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Jupiter Retrograde Conjunction: Reflecting on Expansion

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Jupiter Retrograde Conjunction: Reflecting on Expansion

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Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and is known for its expansive energy. When it goes retrograde, it can be a time of reflection and introspection. During this period, the astrological aspects of Jupiter can be especially powerful and it can be a great time to reflect on our own personal expansion.



Here are some key points to consider when reflecting on expansion during a Jupiter retrograde conjunction:

• Take time to reflect on your goals and ambitions. What do you want to achieve in life? What steps can you take to make those goals a reality?
• Consider how you can use the expansive energy of Jupiter to your advantage. What areas of your life could benefit from a little extra energy?
• Reflect on the areas of your life that need more attention. Are there any areas that you’ve been neglecting?
• Think about how you can use the energy of Jupiter to help you grow and expand. What new opportunities can you take advantage of?
• Consider how you can use the energy of Jupiter to help you become more open-minded and accepting of new ideas.
• Reflect on how you can use the energy of Jupiter to help you become more confident and self-assured.
• Think about how you can use the energy of Jupiter to help you become more creative and innovative.
• Consider how you can use the energy of Jupiter to help you become more compassionate and understanding.
• Reflect on how you can use the energy of Jupiter to help you become more connected to the world around you.
• Think about how you can use the energy of Jupiter to help you become more aware of your own spiritual journey.

By taking the time to reflect on expansion during a Jupiter retrograde conjunction, you can gain insight into your own personal growth and development. This can be a great opportunity to take a step back and assess your current situation and to make plans for the future.

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