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Gujarat was hit by Tropical Cyclone Biporjoy last night - Live Updates

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The Gujarat Cyclone Biparjoy Strikes:

On June 15, 2023, Gujarat faced a severe cyclonic storm called Biporjoy. It hit the coastal areas with strong winds over 100 km/h, causing widespread damage. Trees were uprooted, buildings were destroyed and power outages occurred. Biparjoy, which means "disaster" in Bengali language.

Impact on Lives and Livelihoods by Cyclone Biparjoy:

The lives of people in Gujarat were greatly impacted. Coastal towns and villages suffered the most, with homes destroyed and residents forced to evacuate. Fishing communities faced hardships as their boats and nets were damaged, affecting their livelihoods.

Infrastructure Damage by Gujarat Cyclone Biparjoy:

Infrastructure also took a hit. Power lines were down, leading to long-lasting blackouts. Communication networks were disrupted, making it hard for people to seek help or inform their loved ones. Roads were blocked by fallen trees and debris, hindering rescue efforts.

Government and Relief Efforts:

The government and relief agencies quickly responded to assist the affected population. Evacuation measures were taken and temporary shelters were set up to provide food, water and medical aid. Disaster management teams worked tirelessly to clear roads, restore power and coordinate relief work.


Community Resilience and Solidarity:

Communities showed resilience and solidarity, as volunteers and organisations supported rescue and relief operations. They provided essential supplies like food, clothing and medical assistance. The affected communities displayed unity in the face of adversity.

Rebuilding and Rehabilitation:

Rebuilding and rehabilitation became the next challenge. Efforts and resources were needed to recover from the disaster. The government, along with aid organisations, pledged support to rebuild infrastructure, financially assist affected families and restore livelihoods.