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What is Sade Sati - Remedies of Shani Sade Sati

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What is Shani Sade Sati?

Shani Sade Sati is an astrological phase in Vedic astrology that lasts around seven and a half years. It is associated with the planet Saturn, which is believed to influence various aspects of our lives. Saturn moves through three houses about a person's Moon sign during this period.

The first phase of Shani Sade Sati occurs when Saturn transits the twelfth house from the Moon sign. This phase may bring challenges related to money, health and relationships. The second phase happens when Saturn transits the first house from the Moon sign, leading to personal and professional challenges and stress. The third phase occurs when Saturn transits the second house from the Moon sign, affecting finances, family matters and overall stability.

Shani Sade Sati is considered a time of difficulties and obstacles. However, it is also seen as an opportunity for personal growth and important life lessons. The effects of Sade Sati vary based on an individual's birth chart and planetary influences.

It is important to remember that interpretations of Shani Sade Sati may differ among astrologers. Consulting a professional astrologer can provide a personalized analysis of one's birth chart and help understand the potential impacts of Sade Sati.

In summary, Shani Sade Sati is a phase in Vedic astrology lasting about seven and a half years, during which Saturn's movements influence different areas of life. It brings challenges but also opportunities for personal growth. Consulting an astrologer can provide personalized insights.